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Design and Development of Viral AR Effects

iphone filter image with effect on it
iphone filter image with effect on it
iphone filter image with instagram effect on it
spark ar logo
photoshop logo
illustrator logo
blender logo
Lens Studio logo

Social AR is a branch of augmented reality commonly used on social media applications like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. It consists of effects that can modify what is seen through a camera lens, superpose digital objects on a physical environment, and are meant to be shareable.

There are 3 types of social AR:

AR Commerce 

AR Experiences

AR Trends

AR Commerce allows brands to share directly a product and allow people to try it using their phones.

AR Experiences allow brands or individuals to create a memorable and creative AR effect, usually more complex and sophisticated. It is a great way to share their vision and image.

AR Trends are effects that go viral and become very widely shared. They are typically simpler to use or have clear instructions and outcomes.


PERSONAL Statistics


Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 13.15.23.png


Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 13.15.51.png

Social AR on TikTok





"AR iPhone"

"Ted Talk"


"PS5 Box"

"My TikTok Profile"

Instagram Architect Arthur Bouffard filter AR
La vie en rose arthur bouffard augmented reality effect filter instagram

Social AR on Instagram and Snapchat

Speed Arthur Bouffard Instagram AR Filter

"La Vie en Rose"

"Body Breaking"


Mirror Augmented Reality Arthur Bouffard Instagram Filter


Arthur Bouffard Grain + arthurbfrd instagram filter
AirDrop AR Arthur Bouffard Instagram Filter


INTO Study What Career AR effect Instagram Arthur Bouffard

"What career?"

Purple Sky AR Arthur Bouffard Instagram Filter

"Purple Sky"

Avatan Augmented Reality filter arthur bouffard instagram

"Requin TN"

"HEMA 95 Years"

Yap Bank Filter Instagram Arthur Bouffard

YAP Bank

Benny Banks Eye for an Eye Arthur Bouffard AR filter

"Eye 4 and Eye"


Jaquemus Augmented Reality Filter Arthur Bouffard Instagram


Digital Fashion Week Arthur Bouffard AR filter

"Fashion Christmas"

Wati B used by Yassencore Instagram filter by Arthur Bouffard


Type of Drink AR Instagram Filter

"Type of Drink"

Angel + Wings instagram filter arthur bouffard

"Angel + Wings"

white house arthur bouffard ar filter instagram

"White House"

Angel + Wings instagram filter arthur bouffard

"Red Glitter Joker"


bloody red sky arthur bouffard ar filter instagram augmented


Mirror Augmented Reality Arthur Bouffard Instagram Filter


bleumode logo
yap logo
into logo
digital fashion week logo
bloody red sky arthur bouffard ar filter instagram augmented

"Casio VL-1" Emulation in AR

Mirror Augmented Reality Arthur Bouffard Instagram Filter


Speed Arthur Bouffard Instagram AR Filter


gospooky logo

and many more...

Avatan Augmented Reality filter arthur bouffard instagram


suicoke logo
Hema logo
gospooky logo
gospooky logo
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